•The Advocates Act, 1961
–Establishment of Bar Council of India and State bar Councils, common roll of advocates enabling them to practice
–Abolition of different classes of legal practitioners and recognition of only one class known as Advocates
–Uniform qualifications for enrolment
–Division of advocates into senior advocates and other advocates
–Regulations of the conduct of advocates by punishment for misconduct
•Bar Council of India Rules
–Election of members of the Council and different committees
–Administration of Council and finance
–Preparation and maintenance of the State roll
–Seniority in the state rolls
–Standard of professional conduct and etiqutte
–Disciplinary proceedings and review
•Contempt of Courts Act, 1971
•Advocates (Removal of Difficulties) Orders, 1963, 1966, 1968
–Power conferred by s. 59(1)
•Advocates (Right to take up Law Teaching) Rules, 1979
–Not exceeding three hours while practicing
•The Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987
–To provide free and competent legal service to the weaker sections of the society
–To organise Lok Adalats
•The National Legal Services Authority Rules, 1995
–Rules explaining the qualifications, functions and powers of the Legal Services Authorities
–Power under s. 27 of the Act
•The Supreme Court Legal Services Committee Regulations, 1996
–Rules by Central Government regarding SC Legal Services Committee
•Supreme Court Rules, 1966
–Regulating the practice of SC advocates
•Supreme Court Bar Association Rules
•Advocates’ Welfare Fund Acts and Rules of different states
•The Legal Practitioners Act, 1879
–Was repealed except the sections related to s. 1, 3 and 36
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